Monday, February 26, 2007

We're Back and Why We Left

We're back. We landed in Syracuse Saturday night around 10:30, having left Tucson, AZ around 1:30 Mountain time. The pictures in this post say enough about why we left Syracuse in the first place.

Two years ago, we examined the average temperature records for the places in the U.S. with the warmest February temperatures. The place also needed to be interesting for bike riding, so Tucson, AZ and southern California topped the list. We took our mountain bikes to Tucson and explored some great trails for a week. We hammered ourselves riding several hours each day.

This year, we decided to go back, but this time we spent far more time in the hot tub at the bed and breakfast and less time in the saddle. We still took our mountain bikes and hit the great trails there, but we acted much more like average tourists this time. Check back later for a thorough account of our adventure.


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